Friday, December 26, 2008
The Constitutional Alliance also has worked with both the ACLU and the ACLJ on fighting REAL ID. Right now the Constitutional Alliance is working in several states to implement anti REAL ID, anti SSN, anti Biometric, No federal interference in state agencies, Pro 10th Amendment Legislation.
Here is the information the Constitutional Alliance is passing along for everyone to be aware of.
1) The Identification Security Enhancement (ISE) Act AKA S717 and H1117 (federal) from 2007, most likely these bills will have different numbers when legislation is in session this year. This bill is set to repeal REAL ID…but don't jump for joy. ISE basically disassembles REAL ID and puts it back together again with what looks like concessions but are really not considering they have been trying this since the 1980s. They just repackage it every time. This time they are allowing for a negotiated rule making process. To fully understand ISE read the details at this link The danger with ISE is that right now to the average citizen Obama is trying to be in the center and right now ISE has support on both sides of the isle. So in order to show productivity and a bi-partisan effort in Washington this may be one of the first bills passed and signed into law. And as we saw with REAL ID it turned a little kitty cat into a Siberian Tiger through the rule making process, which is shorter this time allowing for slower reaction time on the States part. Once ISE is passed all the states that have passed anti REAL ID legislation but not the full cocktail as I described above that Constitutional Alliance has provided, will be VOID/USELESS. We need to be active in calling/e-mailing our legislators in Washington about this. We need to call Senator Akaka (D-HI) chair of the subcommittee that ISE will most likely be introduced in, he is also the likely sponsor for the bill. We also need to keep the pressure up on our own local legislators.
2) Right now the State that seems to be taking the lead in the REAL ID fight is Oklahoma. It is considered that they will not only file the Anti-REAL ID legislation but also the whole cocktail and pass it. So in the very near future we may be called upon to help take action in Oklahoma (Take Back Kentucky is apart of the CA) much like there was in Ohio with calls & e-mail concerning the Constitutional Convention. Once the first Domino falls it should be easier with the other states.
3) For those of you who are unaware of the recent Constitutional Convention (Con Con) event in Ohio (The CA, C4L, Eagle Forum, Freedom 21, APC are all opposed to this concept in our present political climate.) For more on this click here & here
4) Some good news is Mark was able to sit down with an AP reporter and have a nine hour interview in which the result will be a series of articles about REAL ID. Look for those to start coming out in February. Mark also had an interview with Computer World, that article should come out very soon too.
5) The CA is asking anyone for a Cannonball Idea to gain exposure for the anti-REAL ID movement. I forgot to ask about Lou Dobbs in the conference call but I imagine that it might not get attention until something major happens that the media can grab on to about REAL ID. But it can not hurt to call/e-mail Lou Dobbs in your spare time, remember we want PA State House Rep Sam Rohrer to come on the show and speak about the dangers of REAL ID.
6) There was also discussion of a government report issued by the National Intelligence Commission. The report refers repeatedly to globalism. Seamless borders are considered good versus securing our borders. The influence of international organizations and multi-national corporations on the reports is obvious and significant. I have fully read the report and protecting U.S. sovereignty is not part of the discussion. I cannot stress enough the fact a government agency produced the report to assist our government in setting policy. The following is the link to the report
7) There needs to be an alternative to REAL ID, especially if we are to leave the REAL ID concept behind in America. Right now the CA is working with several vendors to create a secure information transmittal hub for the states to use only no data is stored, in fact not all information is transmitted just enough for states to verify certain information better and satisfy the security concerns that many have in this post 9/11 world we live in. Of course this idea is in the very early stages so more refinement/details should come.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
The bills are as follows:
Direct prohibition of REAL ID
Purging SSNs from databases
Purging Biometric data from databases
State agency legislation regarding REAL ID, SSN, & Biometrics
10th Amendment Legislation
Shortly after a few meetings & discussions are had an action plan to garner attention and support will be implemented.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
TBK Joins the CA
This is the mission statement of the CA:
This Constitutional Alliance is a coalition of individuals and groups committed to preserving state and national sovereignty, the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and property as pronounced in the Declaration of Independence and protected under the Bill of Rights.
We see the following as some of the greatest threats to these unalienable rights:
The Alliance sees these threats connected via a goal of assimilating the United States into a global system of government and economic control. Each threat operates with and connects to the other and is implemented by harmonization of regulations, contrived initiatives, and egregious laws such as the REAL ID Act of 2005 and the E-Passport.
Each Alliance member unequivocally supports each state's claim to sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment of the US Constitution; the alliance hereby serves notice and demands the federal government, as our agent, cease and desist all mandates that are beyond the scope of the constitutionally delegated powers contained in the Tenth Amendment, effective immediately.
The benefits to the Constitutional Alliance are:
- A greater impact can be achieved by coordinating efforts of each group's membership, exponentially increasing single group efforts. These efforts include email, phone, and lobbying the media, public and elected leaders at the state and federal levels.
- Each group retains control and communication with their own members
- Each member group's own initiatives/position is strengthened by the additional reinforcement of other Alliance members, who are in agreement that US sovereignty and states rights must be protected.
- Each group's memberships become more educated and knowledgeable concerning these threats to sovereignty.
- The members of this Alliance embrace those liberties considered most precious by all US citizens; therefore, this alliance can and should include all citizens regardless of political affiliation.
Biometrics, the REAL ID Act 2005, the Trans-Texas Corridor, and the SPP/NAU are all parts of the global mechanism called Sustainable Development. Together, the Alliance members can coordinate with others to expose and oppose these threats to liberty - and rise victorious!
One thing to note there is no fee to join but donations are needed to help support the CA and the Stop Real ID Coalition. So when they come to KY or any other state it would be very appreciated if we citizens could help them out in covering the expenses they incur.
TBK wants to not only get legislation form the CA but take an active role in shaping it; one because we want to do our part, two we ant to make this a legislative learning process for everyone, so we can go forward witht he knowlefe of what to do in the future.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Mr. Lerner Goes to Frankfort
On Sunday September the 7th we had Mark Lerner from the Stop Real ID Coalition come speak here in Frankfort Kentucky. I must say that for some time I thought that this event was not going to happen and that I might be over my head in getting involved in this endeavor. After this I have gained a new appreciation for those that plan such events; I knew it was not going to be easy but I did not know how hard it was going to be.
I first got the opportunity to hear Mr. Lerner speak at a Freedom 21 Conference (which is a related topic but on a much broader scale that can not possibly be explained within this blog) in Dallas Texas in late July and afterwards had the opportunity to discuss with him the possibility of having him come here to speak. I felt this was very important for a litany of reasons as Real ID is very unconstitutional but also not much that in the way of opposition has been presented in Kentucky as well as our state government being one of the leaders in compliance.
Mr. Lerner went into detail about how Real ID is an international violation of the US Constitution being perpetrated by the political elite here in the US and the world over. Most are told that this is a deterrent to illegal immigration, will stop identity theft, and a tool to help fight terrorism; when in fact it does none of these things. Many that do know about this think that at worst it is a National ID card and have become complacent in the 10th amendment being violated as over time the roles of the state and federal governments have reversed; however, it is not a National ID card but and international ID card. Those of us in attendance learned this and much more.
Before I continue I must also recognize that we did not just have independent citizens at this event but representation from Take Back Kentucky, The Family Foundation, Campaign for Liberty, and the Constitution Party. There was also representation from Constitutional camp called Camp American which is a summer camp program for kids that no only incorporate the normal fun activities you experience at a summer camp but the education on our Constitution and the foundation of the United States. Without these organizations this event would have never taken place in which there were about 50 in attendance; a very good number for this being done on such short notice.
Mr. Lerner started off the evening briefly explaining what the Stop Real ID Coalition is and how it came about. This entails the decision by Mark to leave the Biometrics industry after learning what biometrics and the Real ID was really all about. Before Mark was an avid supporter and believer in biometrics being a tool in the war on terror. This coincided with his meeting up with another individual whose forte is privacy and property rights and being a true jack of his trade wishes for the most part to remain private (I believe I met him in Dallas, but he is more of a behind the scenes guy and after meeting them both Mark can defiantly make up for his co-founders shyness.) He then detailed a recent decision by some like minded people and organizations to fight the Real ID as well as a few other issues. From this meeting the Constitutional Alliance was formed and some of the founding members were the American Policy Center, OK-SAFE, Liberty Coalition, Stop Real ID Coalition, Freedom Advocates, OK State Rep. Randy Brogdon, PA State Rep. Sam Rohrer to name a few.
After this little intro Mark began to go into the facts about Real ID and biometrics and how it threatens our nation and our freedom.
The Real ID was never actually passed in the bill created for it but was later attached to a Tsunami and Military Spending bill that did pass and so has become law through the back door and the rule making process at DHS has turned this into more than just a National ID. As Mark put it they turned a little Kitty into a Siberian Tiger.
The Real ID in short violates the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 10th amendments to the US Constitution. The Real ID erodes State Sovereignty and the concept of Federalism as well as our National Sovereignty.
Now I will give a brief overview but because of the complexity of the issue I want to make sure the facts are straight and make available at the bottom of the blog the Biometric Fact Sheets from the Stop Real ID Coalition.
We learned from Mr. Learner that this is not just a National ID system but an international ID system that is being implemented by international organizations such as the ICAO and AAMVA as well as international corporations such as Choice Point and L1-Identity Solutions. These international organizations have ties to political elites in this country like Ted Kennedy and George Tenant. Real ID calls for the elimination of the DLC (states) and replaces it with the DLA (international). The DLC is basically the sharing of certain vital information amongst states pertaining to driver’s license. The DLA is the international version but what makes it worse is that with Real ID it incorporates much more of your personal information (whatever the DHS Secretary deems) important enough to be on that card such as medical, financial, religious, political, sexual, etc. So as you can see this ID card has plowed right past State Sovereignty violating the 10th amendment but our National Sovereignty, but because of the all encompassing information required to be on this card it takes down the 4th amendment with it because there has been no warrant issued for this information with the requirements set forth in that amendment. But wait it gets worse, your biometric data is being collected through your driver’s license or CCTV and having you, your actual person enrolled in this global identification system. Not only that there is a program called hotel intent that works with facial recognition programs to determine if your facial expression may require the response of law enforcement even though no crime has been committed. So don’t get mad at the airport if your flight is delayed/canceled and your dealing with an impossible airline employee (most likely soon to be government employee.)
Now we have briefly covered how the 4th and 10th amendments are violated and now let’s get to the 1st amendment. This goes to religion and whether or not you believe in a GOD or that Christianity is right for you is not the issue; the issue is the violation to freely practice that religion and to not have your religious concepts violated by the government or any other entity or individual. If you look in Revelation Ch 13 of the Bible you will find the reference to the Mark of the Beast a concept most Christians oppose. Many thought the SSN back when it was issued was the Mark of the Beast but it clearly was not as the Mark of the Beast pertains to all citizens of the world; SSN did not, just US citizens for an enrollment in a government benefit program not an ID system (it has evolved to that to some degree but not the way Real ID will, but be on the look out for SSN legislation to implement this if Real ID fails because that process is already in the works.) The way this works is a mathematical algorithm is used based on facial features to assign you a number that is unique to you. Now I know that at some point 666 has to be implemented into this number and a few other criteria have to be met but due to the sophistication of today’s technology (RFID Chips) and the international nature of this program this is most defiantly a precursor to the Mark of the Beast. The main reasons Christians are opposed to 666 is that it will mean the end to having the ability to bring people to Christ and accepting a god on earth and not our Heavenly God which guarantees damnation.
In regard to the 5th amendment, the one everyone claims not to incriminate themselves but there is more to it than that. The 5th also guarantees the right to Life, Liberty and the Property. This is also referred to in the 14th amendment also known as the due process clause but with all the regulations and standards on Real ID due process would be hard to claim it complies with as well as the other rights.
We also learned form Mark that these ID cards are not secure and that the biometric recognition is not even accurate (for more on that see the Fact Sheets in the Box. So our data can be stolen by terrorists, identity thieves or illegal aliens and it won’t even faze them. But making it worse we are linking up data bases that are not compatible causing error, putting our information eggs all in one basket and then sharing it not just with other states but other countries and the more time our info is shared the more likely it is to get stolen. A few other concerns with Real ID is if you don’t possess on your job status is dependent upon it because it is supposed to stop illegals from getting jobs but if just a 1% error occurs it is estimated to cost 650,000 Americans the opportunity to get a new job. With Real ID no federal business can be done (i.e. SSN, UI, Medicare, Welfare, VA etc.), no travel on air planes will be allowed and no entry into Federal Parks that our tax dollars paid for. And this is not an effort to stop terrorism as this has been tried several times like in the 80’s while Reagan was President but thank God he shot this idea down and again in 1994. So Real ID will not make us safer but interfere with and make our lives more complicated than ever before.
Real ID was supposed to be implemented on May 11th 2008 but thanks to the work of people like Mark and states like Montana, Oklahoma, and South Carolina putting up a fight on this we have forced DHS and Chertoff to issue a waiver for compliance until December 31st 2009, but we don’t want it because we have no intention on complying.
Now at the end of the meeting Mark proposed helping us here in Kentucky get legislation the would fight Real ID, end our contracts with the main corporation working with our Transportation Cabinet and local DMVs, ending biometric collection for an ID system, putting a stop to any other legislation that calls for a National ID or an International ID as well as putting an end to interference from international organizations such as AAMV or ICAO. He gave us contact info for people and organizations in the Constitutional Alliance who have done this in other states and has contacted the ACLU and ACLJ two organizations normally opposed to each other to get legislators that would be open to opposing this involved in stopping Real ID here in Kentucky. So let’s get to work in putting this to an end here in Kentucky and take back our Liberty. Most likeely Tak Bakc Kentucky in conjunction with the Campaign for Liberty will have Mr. Lerner back here in Kentucky in January or Febuary for a longer stay and more meetings and meet with legislators and organizations opposed to Real ID. Hopefully there will also action in the legislature that Mr. Lerner and the citizens of Kentucky can help along.
Now I am sure there is something I have missed and am not the best with words so be sure to check the box at the bottom of this blog to get some fact sheets.
Some organizations to contact are:
Stop the Real ID Coalition @
Take Back Kentucky @
Join the Campaign for Liberty here in Kentucky they have many Meet Up groups @
BTW they have a great informational handout.
also contact if you have any questions
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Constitution Presidential Candidate Chuck Baldwin on REAL ID...and a few other things, the first 40 sec is devoted to a National ID. He does discuss the IRS afterwards which with the implementation of the SSN (precursor to REAL ID) made government tracking and taxation easier.
Republican Presidential Candidate Ron Paul on REAL ID...there are a lot of these out there you can find. Note the little movie clip at the beginning; in Communist Russia you could not go anywhere without your "papers."
Here is a video of Sam Rohrer Pennsylvania State Rep. and Mark Lerner of the Stop REAL ID Coalition.
Sunday, September 7th, 2008
Here is the info on the Event
What: The Stop REAL ID Coalition
Who: Mark Lerner
When: Sunday, September 7th at 3:00 PM
Where: Frankfort, Kentucky at the Holiday Inn Express conference room:
1000 Vandaly Drive (502)352-4650
Description: Mark Lerner of the Stop REAL ID Coalition will be speaking on the flaws and dangers of the REAL ID Act of 2005 as well as proposing to active citizens and legislators on how to fight REAL ID in Kentucky with the help a network of national alliances opposed to REAL ID.
Why Oppose: REAL ID violates the 1st, 4th, 5th, & 10th Amendments to the Constitution. Violates the concept of Federalism and State sovereignty as well as National sovereignty. Has a vast array of security concerns that won’t even guard against terrorism or deter illegal immigration. These of course are the simple basics, to learn more come here Mr. Lerner.
Bio: Mark became an early proponent of biometrics as a tool in the war on terrorism. He became a confidant to the senior executives and board members in the biometrics industry to such an extent that brokerage houses had Mark discussing the future of biometric companies with their wealthiest clients (Some worth in excess of 100 million dollars!). All was going very well until Mark uncovered some disturbing biometric facts. He compiled a pool of evidence, what attorneys are calling "massive evidence", of corruption. Mark and the Stop Real ID Coalition have been working to expose these truths where the exposure will have the most impact; Washington D.C. The team has created Model Legislation which is being implemented at the state level.
Contact: Chris Southworth
Directions: I 64 to Frankfort Exit 53 B – Toward Frankfort
Turn Right on US 127 North
Turn Right into Franklin West Shopping Center
Holiday Inn is on the right behind the Longhorn
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Take Back Kentucky
My intention is to be in Frankfort, Kentucky on 7 September 2008.
At that time I will be able to provide the support of an alliance that is comprised of national groups/organizations, lawmakers and others to support the efforts of citizens in Kentucky to take back their state.
The assistance from the alliance will come in many forms. The alliance has the ability to mobilize ten's of thousand's of people and in reality many more. The alliance will assist Kentucky lawmakers with legislation that has a proven record of success in other states. The names of lawmakers in other states will be provided along with direct contact information in order that Kentucky lawmakers have a support network to assist them. The alliance will help with influencing the media. The alliance will also provide information that will prove beneficial to individual and groups in Kentucky to inform other Kentuckians on a variety of issues. The alliance will also have the ability to reach across both sides of the aisle to gather support. The alliance will be able to show the support the alliance has from any number ministries.
If upon my arrival I am not able to provide/show each of what is described is factually correct then no funding would be asked for in order to facilitate the trip to Frankfort.
We do ask that when coming to a state that it is appreciated we have a responsibility to all that have and are supporting our efforts to insure each state contribute to the financial needs required to continue to do what we have done. I have informed Chris we would come to Frankfort for $500. Providing everything in this letter as is I say I would expect the funding to be available prior to my leaving Frankfort.
If the people of Frankfort feel I do not live up to the standards/statements set in this letter they will be under no obligation to assist in any funding.
Please appreciate we do not disclose the membership of the alliance in advance of my arrival. The Stop Real ID Coalition is just one of many that comprise the alliance. I have a responsibility to insure that I am meeting with like minded people before discussing others in the alliance.
Mark Lerner
Co-founder Stop Real ID Coalition
I think this is doable and I am going to check on some places for this date. I am going to present this information to Take Back Kentucky and a few other people to see what they think. Hopefully when Mr. Lerner goes to Washington D.C. he can have Kentucky's voice in opposition to REAL ID
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Initial Efforts to Fight the Real ID in Kentucky
The team has created Model Legislation which is being implemented at the state level.