Stop Real ID Coalition


Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sunday, September 7th, 2008

Well for a while it looked like having Mr. Lerner come to Kentucky was going to fall through. However, we now have a place to meet (The Holiday Inn here in Frankfort) and enough interests and funds/pledges to have Mr. Lerner come here to Kentucky and speak about REAL ID and the proposals from The Stop REAL ID Coalition on how to stop REAL ID in the states. So far we will have representation from 3 groups: Take Back Kentucky, Campaign for Liberty and The Family Foundation.

Here is the info on the Event

What: The Stop REAL ID Coalition

Who: Mark Lerner

When: Sunday, September 7th at 3:00 PM

Where: Frankfort, Kentucky at the Holiday Inn Express conference room:
1000 Vandaly Drive (502)352-4650

Description: Mark Lerner of the Stop REAL ID Coalition will be speaking on the flaws and dangers of the REAL ID Act of 2005 as well as proposing to active citizens and legislators on how to fight REAL ID in Kentucky with the help a network of national alliances opposed to REAL ID.

Why Oppose: REAL ID violates the 1st, 4th, 5th, & 10th Amendments to the Constitution. Violates the concept of Federalism and State sovereignty as well as National sovereignty. Has a vast array of security concerns that won’t even guard against terrorism or deter illegal immigration. These of course are the simple basics, to learn more come here Mr. Lerner.

Bio: Mark became an early proponent of biometrics as a tool in the war on terrorism. He became a confidant to the senior executives and board members in the biometrics industry to such an extent that brokerage houses had Mark discussing the future of biometric companies with their wealthiest clients (Some worth in excess of 100 million dollars!). All was going very well until Mark uncovered some disturbing biometric facts. He compiled a pool of evidence, what attorneys are calling "massive evidence", of corruption. Mark and the Stop Real ID Coalition have been working to expose these truths where the exposure will have the most impact; Washington D.C. The team has created Model Legislation which is being implemented at the state level.

Contact: Chris Southworth

Directions: I 64 to Frankfort Exit 53 B – Toward Frankfort
Turn Right on US 127 North
Turn Right into Franklin West Shopping Center
Holiday Inn is on the right behind the Longhorn

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