Stop Real ID Coalition


Saturday, August 30, 2008


Libertarian Presidential Candidate Bob Barr on REAL ID

Constitution Presidential Candidate Chuck Baldwin on REAL ID...and a few other things, the first 40 sec is devoted to a National ID. He does discuss the IRS afterwards which with the implementation of the SSN (precursor to REAL ID) made government tracking and taxation easier.

Republican Presidential Candidate Ron Paul on REAL ID...there are a lot of these out there you can find. Note the little movie clip at the beginning; in Communist Russia you could not go anywhere without your "papers."

Here is a video of Sam Rohrer Pennsylvania State Rep. and Mark Lerner of the Stop REAL ID Coalition.

Sunday, September 7th, 2008

Well for a while it looked like having Mr. Lerner come to Kentucky was going to fall through. However, we now have a place to meet (The Holiday Inn here in Frankfort) and enough interests and funds/pledges to have Mr. Lerner come here to Kentucky and speak about REAL ID and the proposals from The Stop REAL ID Coalition on how to stop REAL ID in the states. So far we will have representation from 3 groups: Take Back Kentucky, Campaign for Liberty and The Family Foundation.

Here is the info on the Event

What: The Stop REAL ID Coalition

Who: Mark Lerner

When: Sunday, September 7th at 3:00 PM

Where: Frankfort, Kentucky at the Holiday Inn Express conference room:
1000 Vandaly Drive (502)352-4650

Description: Mark Lerner of the Stop REAL ID Coalition will be speaking on the flaws and dangers of the REAL ID Act of 2005 as well as proposing to active citizens and legislators on how to fight REAL ID in Kentucky with the help a network of national alliances opposed to REAL ID.

Why Oppose: REAL ID violates the 1st, 4th, 5th, & 10th Amendments to the Constitution. Violates the concept of Federalism and State sovereignty as well as National sovereignty. Has a vast array of security concerns that won’t even guard against terrorism or deter illegal immigration. These of course are the simple basics, to learn more come here Mr. Lerner.

Bio: Mark became an early proponent of biometrics as a tool in the war on terrorism. He became a confidant to the senior executives and board members in the biometrics industry to such an extent that brokerage houses had Mark discussing the future of biometric companies with their wealthiest clients (Some worth in excess of 100 million dollars!). All was going very well until Mark uncovered some disturbing biometric facts. He compiled a pool of evidence, what attorneys are calling "massive evidence", of corruption. Mark and the Stop Real ID Coalition have been working to expose these truths where the exposure will have the most impact; Washington D.C. The team has created Model Legislation which is being implemented at the state level.

Contact: Chris Southworth

Directions: I 64 to Frankfort Exit 53 B – Toward Frankfort
Turn Right on US 127 North
Turn Right into Franklin West Shopping Center
Holiday Inn is on the right behind the Longhorn

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Take Back Kentucky

Today I attend a Take Back Kentucky meeting in Elizabethtown and met a lot of Liberty and Freedom minded people. I got to hear from many active citizens on issues facing Kentucky and how we can take our state back. I was also able to speak about the Real ID and bringing Mark Lerner to the state to give a presentation and to begin the process of getting legislators involved to stop REAL ID in Kentucky. Everybody there was real receptive and understanding of the need to get rid of REAL ID and bringing Mr. Lerner to state. However the the short amount of time we had to put this together and the fact that it interfered with other planned events made it impossible to raise the money and get the involvement needed on such short notice. I would also have to concur with them that this was a long shot. So I decided to inform Mr. Lerner of the news and hopes of rescheduling for January when the state legislators will be in session. He was very understanding of the difficulties we were facing and so due to some changes in his plan he made this offer which is an abbreviated version of what he would like to do but it does lay he ground work for further opposition to REAL ID in Kentucky

My intention is to be in Frankfort, Kentucky on 7 September 2008.

At that time I will be able to provide the support of an alliance that is comprised of national groups/organizations, lawmakers and others to support the efforts of citizens in Kentucky to take back their state.

The assistance from the alliance will come in many forms. The alliance has the ability to mobilize ten's of thousand's of people and in reality many more. The alliance will assist Kentucky lawmakers with legislation that has a proven record of success in other states. The names of lawmakers in other states will be provided along with direct contact information in order that Kentucky lawmakers have a support network to assist them. The alliance will help with influencing the media. The alliance will also provide information that will prove beneficial to individual and groups in Kentucky to inform other Kentuckians on a variety of issues. The alliance will also have the ability to reach across both sides of the aisle to gather support. The alliance will be able to show the support the alliance has from any number ministries.

If upon my arrival I am not able to provide/show each of what is described is factually correct then no funding would be asked for in order to facilitate the trip to Frankfort.

We do ask that when coming to a state that it is appreciated we have a responsibility to all that have and are supporting our efforts to insure each state contribute to the financial needs required to continue to do what we have done. I have informed Chris we would come to Frankfort for $500. Providing everything in this letter as is I say I would expect the funding to be available prior to my leaving Frankfort.

If the people of Frankfort feel I do not live up to the standards/statements set in this letter they will be under no obligation to assist in any funding.

Please appreciate we do not disclose the membership of the alliance in advance of my arrival. The Stop Real ID Coalition is just one of many that comprise the alliance. I have a responsibility to insure that I am meeting with like minded people before discussing others in the alliance.

Mark Lerner
Co-founder Stop Real ID Coalition

I think this is doable and I am going to check on some places for this date. I am going to present this information to Take Back Kentucky and a few other people to see what they think. Hopefully when Mr. Lerner goes to Washington D.C. he can have Kentucky's voice in opposition to REAL ID

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Initial Efforts to Fight the Real ID in Kentucky

Recently I was able to attend a conference in Dallas Texas that touched on a variety of issues one of which was the Real ID Act of 2005. I got to listen to some very well informed speakers on the matters and the dangers it poses to our rights as US citizens, the security of our information and identity, our current system of having a Constitutional Republic (yes that is what we have not a Democracy) and our State sovereignty as well as our National sovereignty.

The speaker I listened to on the Real ID a Mr. Mark Lerner for the "Stop Real ID Coalition." Here is some biographical information on Mr. Lerner:

Mark became an early proponent of biometrics as a tool in the war on terrorism. He became a confidant to the senior executives and board members in the biometrics industry to such an extent that brokerage houses had Mark discussing the future of biometric companies with their wealthiest clients (Some worth in excess of 100 million dollars!).

All was going very well until Mark uncovered some disturbing biometric facts. He compiled a pool of evidence, what attorneys are calling "massive evidence", of corruption. Mark and the Stop Real ID Coalition have been working to expose these truths where the exposure will have the most impact; Washington D.C..

The team has created Model Legislation which is being implemented at the state level.

While in Dallas I got to have a good conversation with him about getting an effort started here in Kentucky to introduce legislation in our state prohibiting the Real ID. During this conversation I learned that there had been legislation introduced in both the Senate and House in Frankfort. But unfortunately it got stopped/lost in committee (can't imagine how that could of happened) and now is dead in the water. Over the past couple of weeks I have been corresponding with Mr. Lerner and gathering information. My only regret is that I did not meet him about a month earlier for I did not realize the strict time constraints he is on. He is on a 12 week tour across the country and he is currently at the halfway point, states he will visit include Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Maryland and finally Washington D.C. just in time for the legislative sessions to start back up from vacation. Due to his strict schedule Kentucky will have to fit right in the middle which puts any visit at the end of August.

Mr. Lerner and his organization the "Stop Real ID Coalition" (SRIDC) goes around to states giving presentations on all the flaws of Real ID and how it is not in the interest of every Freedom loving American. SRIDC has the backing of several national organizations and just recently formalized an alliance of various groups from federal and state legislators, political action committees, veteran associations etc. SRIDC also has the backing of the ACLU and the ACLJ two organizations that usually represent two different ends of the political spectrum coming together to fight Real ID (so it must be bad if they are willing to put their differences aside.)

What I am hoping will happen is that there will be enough support form citizens here in Kentucky that the SRIDC will be able to come to Kentucky and give their presentation. Once I inform Mr. Lerner that there is he will contact the ACLU and ACLJ and have them arrange for some state legislators (most likely ones partial to the cause) to attend and to meet with him privately. SRIDC and Mr. Learner will spend several days in Kentucky before they head to Pennsylvania but this effort will only require an hour or so of your time on an evening yet to be determined but most likely some time between the dates 28th-30th of August (I want to see what the consensus is among those I have contacted). The meeting will be held here in Frankfort, I am still trying to find an available location, I have a few cheap to free ideas but as the time comes closer for this I will immediately shoot out an email as to where and when. Mr. Lerner will most likely make time in his schedule to meet with any concerned citizens that want to speak with him privately on this matter.

The Basics as to why we need to oppose Real ID in Kentucky are:

1) It violates the 1st Amendment

2) It violates the 4th Amendment

3) It violates the 10th Amendment

4) It violates State and National sovereignty

5) One corporation (L1 Identity Solutions) has the contract with the states arranged by the Feds to implement the card.

6) Centralization of our data making it easier to steal

7) The increased sharing of data between participating countries making it easier to steal

8) The variable security protocols in each country that may or may not be up to our standards thus increasing the chance of theft.

9) Not using the highest encryption technology to prevent coping of our data.

10) Increased surveillance – this part is so scary and to complex to explain in a short e-mail but there is a behavioral recognition being implemented, so don't get mad at the airport.

11) This will not slow terrorism or illegal immigration as they will not register.

12) The way the REAL ID works is it takes a biometric image of your face creates a mathematical algorithm based on your facial features and assigns you a number that is unique to you, this is not just your SSN and is a way of tracking you.

To find out more about this and stop it in Kentucky this meeting needs to happen with your support. For those of you who think this is impossible all states were supposed to be compliant by May of this year but thanks to Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer basically told the DHS no way and what did they do give a waiver for all states until 12/31/2009. There area already about 10 states that have passed legislation prohibiting Real ID and about 10 more that has passed resolutions against it. I will also be seeking out on of the largest organizations in the state of Kentucky, "Take Back Kentucky" (this Saturday) and seeing how I can network and distribute information through them. Mr. Lerner is going to Washington D.C. in September and it would be nice to add Kentucky's voice and opposition to the Real ID while at the same time those legislators who have met with Mr. Lerner have been given the proper tools to implement legislation at the Capitol in Frankfort.

Of course there is one final obstacle and that is how much are each and every one of you willing to sacrifice to make this happen and to preserve the future of this country not just for your self but for your children and to be that beacon of freedom the world over has come to rely on and is now dangerously on the edge of becoming something different. With the growing centralization of power in Washington D.C. we can not always rely on our leaders being benevolent, the responsibility is on us to do that. While I hesitant to ask this, especially in these hard economic times when everybody is so concerned about gas and groceries but I need to raise $1500 to cover the expenses of SRIDC to come to Kentucky and Washington D.C. (because nobody wants him there.) He will be giving us the tools here to fight this in Kentucky and going to bat for us up on Capitol Hill. He can't do this for free or on his own dime or he and SRIDC would go broke. Remember Freedom is not free and is dependent upon how much you are willing to fight and sacrifice for it. I always thought surly someone somewhere is doing something about the problems and issues that face us in this world and well while in Texas I found myself having to be that person, me and my father were the only people from Kentucky to hear this message and we had to bring it back to the citizens of Kentucky. So now the opportunity comes to you to be that someone doing that something that someone else is relying on you to do to keep this country as we now know it. Whenever Freedom has been threatened the American People have stood up and fought for it and ladies and gentleman whether you realize it or not that time is quickly approaching.

So I am asking you to tell your friends, family and co-workers about this, raise awareness for time is short. I am asking you to please give whatever you can but remember the more people you tell the less it will cost on everybody. For the moment I am asking for money in the range of $25-$50 dollars. You don't have to give to attend or attend to give, or you can do both too. I don't want anyone to feel pressured but this can not get off the ground without networking, knowledge, time and funding. Payments can be made to a Mark Lerner or a Wal-Mart money order can be set up. When I inform him the support, funding and details are available he will make arrangements to come to Kentucky contact legislators and defiantly make this worth the sacrifice.

Real ID Documents