Stop Real ID Coalition


Saturday, July 4, 2009


REAL ID ACTION ALERT: The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs will be having hearings on the PASS Act S. 1261. The PASS Act WILL NOT REPEAL REAL ID as it is being billed. It will only repeal certain portions like Title ii and in the end be worse than REAL ID once the PASS Act is inserted. REAL ID will REMAIN Federal law and will be stronger than before if passed.

Both the ACLU and the ACLJ are opposing the Real ID Act and the PASS Act. (The ACLU and the ACLJ are the most prominent legal organizations on the ”left” and “right” respectively.)

Special interests groups are trying to force Democrats, Independents and Republicans to support this legislation. States have been and are working to ensure driver’s licenses are secure documents and have document integrity. The federal government, in spite of the states, wants to set international standards that are not needed. The federal government wants control of your state driver’s license. The federal government is bribing states to go along with its plans.

Our freedom and our rights are not for sale.

Some governors want to take the bribe money. The First, Fourth and Tenth Amendments are under attack. The Second Amendment will follow. This is not a partisan issue. All Americans must take action now.

· The PASS Act does not repeal the Real ID Act. It does repeal provisions of the Real ID Act; those provisions that are included in Title II of the Real ID Act 2005. The Real ID Act is still intact and is federal law.

  • The PASS Act contains many of the most egregious aspects of the Real ID Act; including the requirement for a digital facial image/photograph that will be mandated to be internationally facial recognition compatible.
  • There is not a federal law that prohibits the simultaneous use of CCTV/surveillance cameras and facial recognition technology in real time.
  • The PASS Act will do nothing to provide a higher level of National security. Under the provisions of the PASS Act the documents used to obtain a driver’s license are not authenticated. These documents are called “breeder” documents.
  • Although requirements for new databases and the linking of databases are not part of the PASS Act the fact remains through and NLETS states can still have information contained in their state Department of Motor Vehicles made available to both federal and international law enforcement agencies without a court order.

  • Two international agencies (AAMVA and the ICAO, an agency of the United Nations) were involved in U.S. policy and law - the Real ID Act 2005 and the newly proposed PASS Act. DHS has called AAMVA the “hub” and “backbone” of the Real ID Act. On AAMVA’s own web-site it proclaims it is an international organization that serves law enforcement and motor vehicle administrators.
  • Both the Real ID Act and the PASS Act result in Americans being enrolled into a single global biometric identification system that links a person’s body to their ability to buy and sell.

The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs will be considering the legislation very soon. The committee members and their phone numbers are listed below. Ask your neighbors, friends, co-workers, relatives and everyone else you have contact with to make the calls as well.


Senator Liberman 202-224-4041 Chairman

Senator Collins 202-224-2523

Senator Akaka 202-224-6361

Senator Bennet 202-224-5852

Senator Burris 202-224-2854

Senator Carper 202-224-2441

Senator Coburn 202-224-5754

Senator Ensign 202-224-6244

Senator Graham 202-224-5972

Senator Landrieu 202-224-5824

Senator Levin 202-224-6221

Senator McCain 202-224-2235

Senator McCaskill 202-224-6154

Senator Pryor 202-224-2354

Senator Tester 202-224-2644

Senator Voinovich 202-224-3353

FOR MORE ON REAL ID, THE PASS ACT, BIOMETRICS, & INTERNATIONAL LAWS/REGS AND DATABASES GO TO they have an action packet as well as several other pieces of information you can review

Friday, June 19, 2009


Here is an update (PDF report) from Mark Lerner from the Stop REAL ID Coalition

Below is some action to take posted on the site.

All citizens need to call their state lawmakers and elected officials in Washington D.C.. In some states the state legislatures are out of session. Please call anyway. The lawmakers will get the messages. In many instances the legislative assistants are still hard at work. If you get a recording, please still leave a message.

Four points must be made:

1) State driver's licenses must not incorporate the use of biometrics.

2) State DMV (Department of Motor Vehicle) databases must be wiped of any and all biometric information and biometric samples must be destroyed.

3) Social Security numbers must be deleted from state DMV databases.

4) RFID chips must not be a component of any state driver's license for any reason.


REAL ID REFRESHER...or maybe introduction for some.

This is longer than I intended it to be but hopefully it will be informative. Please also forward this information along.

As most of you know, last year we began a campaign here in Kentucky against REAL ID, but not just against some "identification system" but everything REAL ID represents. In the process we also began the fight for our Commonwealth's Sovereignty. So for those of you who don't know or need a little refresher here is what happened.

We eventually got 2 resolutions one in the House (HJR 133, primary sponsor: Dottie Sims (D)) and one in the Senate (SJR 73, primary sponsor: Gary Tapp (R).) HJR 133 passed the House 100-0. However, SJR 73 did not make it out of the Senate Transportation Committee.

As a result of this campaign we were also able to get a Sovereignty Resolution introduced, in fact two of them. Both were in the House; HCR 168 sponsored by John Will Stacey (D), the other HCR 172 sponsored by David Floyd (R). However, neither of these made it out of the Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs Committee.

Our intent was to get 5 Bills regarding REAL ID introduced as well as the Sovereignty Resolution introduced, which was authored by Oklahoma State House Representative Charles Key (R). This is legislation he has been working on for quite sometime, well before Obama got in office. The other 5 Bills all dealt with other aspects of REAL ID, that are an infringement upon our civil liberties, state sovereignty as well as national sovereignty. These bills were provided by the Constitutional Alliance, they also have more bills however this was the amount we felt confident we could get done here in Kentucky.

Unfortunately as you can see that did not happen. However, the writing process took some time as to be expected with an issue this complex and so we did not have much time to act as this effort really only began in Kentucky in September of last year. So considering what was done in the short amount of time I consider last years efforts very worthwhile and will make things a whole lot easier in the upcoming 2010 session (let's hope there are no more "Special Sessions" between now an then.)

Here is a little bit more of a refresher on REAL ID as some may have forgotten all the nuances or we may have some new people in the Liberty Movement we can share this information with. I am going to just give the basics as I don't want this to get too drawn out. For those who want more in depth information on this topic I suggest you visit and peruse through their website and also download there action packet.

So here are the basics:

1) It violates the 1st Amendment - Freedom of Religion. This to many Christians is considered the next step toward the Mark of the Beast. Also the Amish or Mennonites are opposed to having their picture taken

2) It violates the 4th Amendment - Any and all information at DHS Discretion can be put on these cards either in the magnetic strip or eventually an RFID chip, normally the government needs a warrant for most of the information they want included on this. In addition they are collecting Biometric samples on citizens to create a Biometric Database. The method of choice is Facial Recognition through CCTV or surveillance cameras. This of course is what furthers the fear of the "Mark" as a mathematical algorithm is created based on your facial features to give you a number. Of course this is highly sensitive and the technology is no where near good enough because a beard, a smile or glasses can throw it off ultimately leading to mistaken identity by law enforcement.

3) It violates the 10th Amendment - As of right now it is an unfunded mandate on the states from the federal government that can cost upwards to at least 22 Billion dollars, of course that is just the start up. The estimated cost for the state of Kentucky would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 200 Million Dollars. Of course the way the government is spending money they might just foot the bill...meaning us.

4) It violates State and National sovereignty - The regulations pertaining to REAL ID is from the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) a UN affiliate. AAMVA (American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators) is also another international organization involved. This organization is American in name only, granted for the moment it is dominated by the states but that won't last long and will end up like the UN once this thing goes full scale world wide. This of course also fuels the fears of the "Mark" as this will include the entire world. Many thought the SSN was the "Mark"; it never could have been because it is a voluntary benefit program for US citizens only. Or at least it was supposed to be voluntary and for US Citizens only.

5) One corporation (L1 Identity Solutions) has the contract with the states arranged by the Feds to implement the card, (the way this deal worked is a little tricky and to tell it would require this to be longer) There are also several other companies involved with this that have had several breaches in the past. Also much of the testing by L1 for REAL ID has either been rigged or the results have been falsified to make the success rate look better than it actually was. Several former government officials also have ties to this company.

6) Centralization and linking of our data and databases making it easier to steal.

7) The increased sharing of data between participating countries making it easier to steal. Any participating country could have access to our information in the name of security, like England, Canada, Russia, or China.

8) The variable security protocols in each country that may or may not be up to our standards thus increasing the chance of theft.

9) Not using the highest encryption technology to prevent coping of our data.

10) Increased surveillance - this part is so scary and to complex to explain in a short e-mail but there is a behavioral recognition being implemented, so don't get mad at the airport, or sweat too much. The program is called Hostile Intent.

11) This will not slow terrorism or illegal immigration as they will not register. Illegals or Terrorist are not going to be first in line at the DMV to give their information. On top of the inferior security protocols and the consolidation of our information it will only make it easier for them to obtain to use in the US.

Now there have been some new developments in this that are entirely to complex to put in this e-mail as it is already getting lengthy. However, I suggest checking out for more on that.

This issue has garnered opposition from the likes of the ACLU and the ACLJ, and as our sponsorship of our legislation indicates this in not a Republican vs. Democrat issue but simply a Civil Rights issue. This idea has been around since the days of Regan who flat our rejected it. Clinton also did not sign off on it. Bush resurrected it and Obama is playing shell games with us on it. As you can see this administration and the last have taken this once Great Union far from what it once was.

Now we begin the fight again, this time more prepared, with more experience, more people, and more time. Already Rep Stan Lee (R) a cosponsor last year of the Sovereignty Resolution has made it his own this year. That legislation is BR 54 AKA HCR 10. I am going to begin trying to get meetings with our legislators set up and sending out information. I would also like to get Mark Lerner from the Stop REAL ID Coalition back here again to help educate the public. So instead of us getting an education again I am asking if anyone knows an organization or a church that would be willing to listen to Mark for an evening to get the information out about this insidious infringement upon our liberties. Please keep in mind that Mark has expenses that will need to be covered, he makes no money on this and I will not invite him here until we have set venues for him to educate at. This will also have to be coordinated with his travels across the nation.

For those of you who do not know who Mark Lerner is here his bio:

Mark became an early proponent of biometrics as a tool in the war on terrorism. He became a confidant to the senior executives and board members in the biometrics industry to such an extent that brokerage houses had Mark discussing the future of biometric companies with their wealthiest clients (Some worth in excess of 100 million dollars!). All was going very well until Mark uncovered some disturbing biometric facts. He compiled a pool of evidence, what attorneys are calling "massive evidence", of corruption. Mark and the Stop Real ID Coalition have been working to expose these truths where the exposure will have the most impact; Washington D.C.

I will try and be more diligent in keeping everyone in the loop on what is going on and pass along information whenever I can. I look forward to working with anyone who wants to on this issue. I received a lot of help from everyone on this issue last year and I would like to thank everyone, but I would also like to recognize a few people. John Riley, Norm Davis, & Charles Zoeller provided a lot of leadership and encouragement in this effort last year. There was a point however, when I was tempted to throw in the towel and I don't remember what series of events led to it but I wanted to also recognize Adrienne Gilbert for her effort in this. I don't think this would have gone as far as it did if she had not stepped up. I would like to list everyone by name but the list would be as long as this e-mail, but I came to rely on these people last year and I just wanted to share with everyone my appreciation.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Real ID Press Conference

This is a video of a REAL ID Press Conference that took place I believe sometime in October of 2008 (Video date says Jan 2008, but that is wrong) The Press Conference was at a National Press Club in Washington D.C.

At this Press Conference are:

1) Mark Lerner-Co-Founder, Stop Real ID Coalition and a spokesperson for the Constitutional Alliance
2) State Representative Charles Key- Oklahoma
3) State Representative Sam Rohrer Pennsylvania
4) ACLU National office- Larry Frankel
5) ACLJ- Robert W."Skip" Ash
6) Tom DeWeese- American Policy Center
7) Michael Ostrolenk- Liberty Coalition
8) Lillie Coney-EPIC
9) Jeannie Burlsworth- Secure Arkansas
10) Amanda Teegarden-OK-SAFE



I must first appologize to everyone, I misunderstood when resolutions can be brought forth (this is a learning process). Simple Resolutions can be brought up at anytime but they are essentially worthless when it comes to carrying weight or having the affect of law like joint resoultions or being treated like bills for concurrent resolution. So here is where we stand, it seems that legislators reserve Bill Requests, maybe a few extra than what they need. The Senate Deadline has come and past, the House however has until 02/23/2009 thats NEXT MONDAY. So this is what I am asking everyone to do.

1)Call the Legislative Message line in Frankfort (1-800-372-7181).TTY Message Line 800-896-0305Tell the operator:

"I want to leave a message for my State Representative and my State Senator and to all Senate and House Leadership members."

The operator will take your name, address and phone number (which will identify your representatives for those who don't know who they are). The operator will then ask what message you would like to leave. Simply say:

"Please introduce a 10th Amendment Resolution to reassert Kentucky's Sovereignty"

2)Then call 502-564-8100 and ask to be directed to your representative and leave the same message with their secretary.

3)Then e-mail/fax your representative a short message from you about the 10th Amendment and include the following text.


A Joint Resolution claiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over certain powers; serving notice to the federal government to cease and desist certain mandates; providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed; and directing distribution.

WHEREAS, the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States reads as follows: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."; and

WHEREAS, the Tenth Amendment defines the total scope of federal power as being that specifically granted by the Constitution of the United States and no more; and
WHEREAS, many mandates of the federal government, from time to time violate the rights of the citizens of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, which are guaranteed to them by the Bill of Rights in Sections 1 through 26 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Kentucky; and

WHEREAS, the scope of power defined by the Tenth Amendment means that the federal government was created by the states specifically to be an agent of the states; and

WHEREAS, today, in 2009, the states are demonstrably treated as agents of the federal government; and

WHEREAS, many federal laws are directly in violation of the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States; and

WHEREAS, the Tenth Amendment assures that we, the people of the United States of America and each sovereign state in the Union of States, now have, and have always had, rights the federal government may not usurp; and

WHEREAS, Article IV, Section 4 says, "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government", and the Ninth Amendment states that "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people"; and

WHEREAS, the United States Supreme Court has ruled in New York v. United States, 112 S. Ct. 2408 (1992), that Congress may not simply commandeer the legislative and regulatory processes of the states; and

WHEREAS, a number of proposals from previous administrations and some now pending from the present administration and from Congress may further violate the Constitution of the United States.


THAT the Commonwealth of Kentucky hereby claims sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the Constitution of the United States.

THAT this serve as Notice and Demand to the federal government, as our agent, to cease and desist, effective immediately, mandates that are beyond the scope of these constitutionally delegated powers.

THAT all compulsory federal legislation which directs states to comply under threat of civil or criminal penalties or sanctions or requires states to pass legislation or lose federal funding be prohibited or repealed.

THAT no government, nor its agencies, in or of the Commonwealth of Kentucky shall assist or allow enforcement in the Commonwealth of Kentucky by any federal or other government or agency of any, which shall violate any or all of the Bill of Rights of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

THAT a copy of this resolution be distributed to the President of the United States, the President of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate of each state's legislature of the United States of America, and each member of the Kentucky Congressional Delegation.

Friday, February 13, 2009



Call your legislator in the Senate and the House and tell them to support and pass SJR 73 & HJR 133. This Resolution is being Sponsored by Senator (R) Gary Tapp & Representative (D) Dottie Sims. Granted we would much rather of had a bill than a resolution but it appears that if it is a Joint Resolution the governor has to sign it and it will have the affect of law according to the Rules (I called the LRC to check on this as well, a little weird I know.) So consider this a success after the short amount of time we have had to work on this and next year we are going to put the pressure on to make it a Bill.

Call the Legislative Message line in Frankfort (1-800-372-7181).
TTY Message Line 800-896-0305
Tell the operator:

"I want to leave a message for my State Representative and my State Senator and to all Senate and House Leadership members."

The operator will take your name, address and phone number (which will identify your representatives for those who don't know who they are).

The operator will then ask what message you would like to leave. Simply say:

For the Senate: "Please support and pass Senate Joint Resolution 73"

For the House: "Please support and pass House Joint Resolution 133"

Then also call and leave a message for Senator Gary Tapp and Representative Dottie Sims and THANK THEM for taking action on the issue of REAL ID.

Also e-mail be sure to e-mail the same request to your legislator. Their e-mail address can be found at


Mark Lerner Video on REAL ID

One of the international standards Mr. Lerner is refering to is this:

"Notice of Proposed Rulemaking" (Mar. 2007) - section 3 "Digital Photograph" (March 2007)footnote (17) states "The relevant ICAO standard is ICAO 9303 Part 1 Vol 2, specifically ISO/IEC 19794-5 -" nprm_readid.pdf Information technology - Biometric data interchange formats - Part 5: Face image data, which is incorporated into ICAO 9303" nprm_realid.pdf

The ICAO is the International Civil Aviation Organization.

The ICAO monitors travelers, designed biometric "e-passports" required for "Visa Waiver Nations" and is affiliated with the UN. Global enrollment into the e-passport system is 50 million annually. REAL ID photos comply with ICAO "biometric data interchange formats" standards, making state photos compatible with global biometric facial recognition standards.

Another international element is the American Association of Movor Vehicle Administrators. This organization is American in name only.

AAMVA is an international association of motor vehicle and law enforcement officials. AAMVA is responsible for international biometric DL/ID card standards and an international information sharing agreement, the "Driver License Agreement" (DLA). Themost recent AAMVA DL/ID standard is the 2005 "Personal Identification -AAMVAThis DL/ID standard, DLA and other document standards are International Specification- DL/ID Card Design." requirements, cited in REAL ID HR418 and/or NPRM. AAMVA's influence over international, federal and state DL/ID card laws is evident in REAL ID (mentioned 30 times in NPRMand 150 times in REAL ID final rules 01-11-08)

This information taken from The Stop REAL ID Coalition's Biometric Fact Sheet. To find that information it's footnotes and much more information go to their website and download their Action Packet.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Campaign for Liberty and Take Back Kentucky have been working on trying to get legislation to block the implementation of the federal REAL ID Act in Kentucky. We started off with a meeting in Frankfort in September with Mark Lerner from the Constitutional Alliance to help inform us on the issue. The meeting drew a crowd of nearly 60 concerned Kentucky citizens.

On November 20 Mark Lerner, Chris Southworth, John Riley, Richard Lewis, and Norm Davis met for 2 hours with several state legislators over the issue and presented model legislation that could be modified for use in Kentucky to block Real ID implementation.

Members of TBK/C4L led by Chris Southworth have continued to meet with legislators. We’ve provided them with legislation and compelling information about why Real ID should not be implemented in Kentucky. Real ID not only is an unfunded federal mandate on the citizens of Kentucky, but it is also equivalent to a National and even International Identification Card using our state issued driver’s licenses.

We’ve had positive responses from most legislators and we hear most of them say "I could support this". However, NONE so far have stepped forward and offered legislative leadership to sponsor the legislation needed to block Real ID in Kentucky.

What must be done now:



It is critical that this issue is considered in this legislative session!

HERE’S WHAT ACTION WE NEED FROM OUR MEMBERS AND SUPPORTERS and please pass this along to anyone you know that may be interested in this important issue;

Call the Legislative Message line in Frankfort (1-800-372-7181).
TTY Message Line 800-896-0305
Tell the operator:

“I want to leave a message for my State Representative and my State Senator and to all Senate and House Leadership members.”

The operator will take your name, address and phone number (which will identify your representatives for those who don’t know who they are).

The operator will then ask what message you would like to leave. Simply say:

“I oppose any implementation of the federal Real ID act using my Kentucky driver’s license or any other method. I want the legislature to act during this legislative session to block Real ID from being implemented in Kentucky.”

THEN DO THE SAME THING NEXT WEEK! Leave them another message saying "Once again, I oppose implementation of Real ID and look for your leadership on this issue."

For those of you that have been already talking to your state representatives and building relationships with them (I hope all of you are doing that! It’s times like this that those personal relationships are very important!) please use this as an opportunity to contact them directly and discuss this issue with them and ask them to please consider sponsoring and supporting this legislation!

The Legislators that have been talked to and given a legislative information packet are as follows:

House of Representatives- The House is controlled by Democrats
(D)Derrick Graham
(D)Carl Rollins
(R)Joe Fischer
(D)Mary Lou Marzian- Sponsored legislation in 2007
(R)Stan Lee
(D)Mike Cherry
(D)Greg Stumbo- New Speaker of the House
(R)Kevin Bratcher
(D)Hubert Collins
(R)Brad Montell- Was at the meeting with Mark Lerner
(R)CB Embry- Was at the meeting with Mark Lerner

Senators- The Senate is controlled by Republicans
(R)Alice Forgy Kerr
(I)Bob Leeper
(D)Julian Carroll
(D)Kathy Stein- Sponsored legislation in 2007 when she was in the House
(D)Perry Clark- Sponsored legislation in 2007
(D)Ed Worley
(R)Damon Thayer
(R)Dave Williams- Senate President
(R)Garry Tapp
(R)Dan Seum- Was at the meeting with Mark Lerner
(R)Tom Bufford

These legislators were chosen because they are interested, in leadership positions, serve on committees it would get introduced in or sponsored this type of legislation before, and some were chosen at random as likely to be "sympathetic."

You can contact them through the toll free Legislative Message Line above or call 502-564-8100 and ask to be directed to their office to leave a message, of course this would work for any legislator.

You can also find their other contact information here

Just in case we are unable to get this legislation filed I would remind everyone that the fight is not over and instead of having less than a half a year to work on this we will have a whole year for the 2010 session. I know the compliance deadline is 12/31/2009 but this "can" be delayed by the federal government. NOTE: The Identification Security Enhancement Act (ISE) may be passed by Congress this year and repeal REAL ID, however it is only a bait and switch tactic. Let’s stay vigilant on this issue!

If you need any additional information or help please contact Chris Southworth or phone 502-229-2042

Real ID Documents