REAL ID ACTION ALERT: The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs will be having hearings on the PASS Act S. 1261. The PASS Act WILL NOT REPEAL REAL ID as it is being billed. It will only repeal certain portions like Title ii and in the end be worse than REAL ID once the PASS Act is inserted. REAL ID will REMAIN Federal law and will be stronger than before if passed.
Both the ACLU and the ACLJ are opposing the Real ID Act and the PASS Act. (The ACLU and the ACLJ are the most prominent legal organizations on the ”left” and “right” respectively.)
Special interests groups are trying to force Democrats, Independents and Republicans to support this legislation. States have been and are working to ensure driver’s licenses are secure documents and have document integrity. The federal government, in spite of the states, wants to set international standards that are not needed. The federal government wants control of your state driver’s license. The federal government is bribing states to go along with its plans.
Our freedom and our rights are not for sale.
Some governors want to take the bribe money. The First, Fourth and Tenth Amendments are under attack. The Second Amendment will follow. This is not a partisan issue. All Americans must take action now.
· The PASS Act does not repeal the Real ID Act. It does repeal provisions of the Real ID Act; those provisions that are included in Title II of the Real ID Act 2005. The Real ID Act is still intact and is federal law.
- The PASS Act contains many of the most egregious aspects of the Real ID Act; including the requirement for a digital facial image/photograph that will be mandated to be internationally facial recognition compatible.
- There is not a federal law that prohibits the simultaneous use of CCTV/surveillance cameras and facial recognition technology in real time.
- The PASS Act will do nothing to provide a higher level of National security. Under the provisions of the PASS Act the documents used to obtain a driver’s license are not authenticated. These documents are called “breeder” documents.
- Although requirements for new databases and the linking of databases are not part of the PASS Act the fact remains through and NLETS states can still have information contained in their state Department of Motor Vehicles made available to both federal and international law enforcement agencies without a court order.
- Two international agencies (AAMVA and the ICAO, an agency of the United Nations) were involved in U.S. policy and law - the Real ID Act 2005 and the newly proposed PASS Act. DHS has called AAMVA the “hub” and “backbone” of the Real ID Act. On AAMVA’s own web-site it proclaims it is an international organization that serves law enforcement and motor vehicle administrators.
- Both the Real ID Act and the PASS Act result in Americans being enrolled into a single global biometric identification system that links a person’s body to their ability to buy and sell.
The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs will be considering the legislation very soon. The committee members and their phone numbers are listed below. Ask your neighbors, friends, co-workers, relatives and everyone else you have contact with to make the calls as well.
Senator Liberman 202-224-4041 Chairman
Senator Collins 202-224-2523
Senator Akaka 202-224-6361
Senator Bennet 202-224-5852
Senator Burris 202-224-2854
Senator Carper 202-224-2441
Senator Coburn 202-224-5754
Senator Ensign 202-224-6244
Senator Graham 202-224-5972
Senator Landrieu 202-224-5824
Senator Levin 202-224-6221
Senator McCain 202-224-2235
Senator McCaskill 202-224-6154
Senator Pryor 202-224-2354
Senator Tester 202-224-2644
Senator Voinovich 202-224-3353
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